6 Things To Avoid After A Home Loan Application
There are several important considerations to make after submitting an application for a mortgage to purchase a property. Even though it's thrilling to begin considering moving in and decorating, use caution when making any significant purchases. Following your loan application, there are a few things you should probably steer clear of. Avoid making large cash deposits. Cash is difficult to track, and lenders need to know where you got your money. Talk with your loan officer about how to properly record your transactions before you deposit any money into your accounts. Avoid making any expensive purchases. You might not be eligible for your loan if you make purchases unrelated to your house. Lenders may raise concerns about any sizable purchases. Debt-to-income ratios are higher for those with new debt (how much debt you have compared to your monthly income). Borrowers may no longer be eligible for their mortgages since riskier loans have higher ratios. Avoid the urge to make any...