5 Tips for Handling Dogs During the Thanksgiving Holiday
From your dog's perspective, Thanksgiving is like a never-ending buffet of human food and a sea of people who could use some emotional support, or at the very least, a chance to pet a dog. They ought to enjoy the holiday! Unfortunately, as many pet owners are aware, your dog may suffer serious consequences as a result of all that food and all those people. Making it simple for your dog to act morally and stay out of trouble will help to set them up for success. On this day of feasting, there are a lot of temptations, but with a little forethought, you can avoid the common dread of having your dog participate in the wrong activities. There is no foolproof way to stop your dog from stealing a turkey leg from the counter or pleading with your guests for it, short of keeping them entirely separated from family and food throughout the preparation and the meal. Training a dog to behave admirably in a crowded environment that is full of distractions and enticing smells can take m...