3 Basic Wall Accent Ideas
An accent wall can totally transform a room, taking
it from boring and drab to bold and exciting. Accent walls create a new focal
point for your space, add liveliness and contrast, and are typically a very
inexpensive DIY project.
The starter accent wall
You can easily add an accent wall to your room in
one afternoon by applying a new paint color. Deep blues and bright oranges are
common choices for accent walls, but choose a color that will complement your
existing decor and overall design aesthetic.
Interesting textures
Bright, contrasting paint is a good starting point,
but there are other options for accent walls that are even more eye-catching
and distinct. Floor-to-ceiling wood planks can make your home seem both rustic
and modern all at once and provide a natural, outdoors-inspired feel. It’s more
work than simply painting a wall, but it’s still relatively inexpensive. You
can source the wood from pallets on Craigslist and stain it yourself before
attaching it to your wall. It takes a little extra elbow grease, but it’s worth
the effort.
Patterns, murals, and more
Paint and wood are bold enough on their own to
transform a room, but they’re still pretty subtle compared to other accent wall
options. A chalk paint accent wall is a creative idea for any room and makes
for some fun moments when you’re entertaining. There are also endless options
for wallpaper and stenciling if you want some patterns or you can get really
bold with a mural or oversized art print.
So, what do you think?
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